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Human Rights Guides
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- EU Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy by EUbusiness — last modified 25 March 2020, 21:53 CET
- The European Commission and the EU's High Representative set out on 25 March the priorities and way ahead on Human rights and Democracy, adopting a Joint Communication and the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy for 2020-2024.
- Annual report on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - guide by EUbusiness — last modified 31 March 2011, 17:00 CET
- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has now been legally binding for over a year – primarily on the EU institutions (European Parliament, Council and the European Commission) when preparing new European laws, but also on national authorities if they are implementing EU law. As part of its efforts to make fundamental rights a reality for citizens in the EU, the European Commission is reporting for the first time on how the Charter is being applied. The Annual Report on the application of the Charter shows that fundamental rights are relevant across a wide range of policies – from data protection to immigration and asylum – and that public interest in the Charter runs high. However, the report also highlights that the Charter is frequently misunderstood. In 2010, the Commission received more than 4,000 letters from the general public regarding fundamental rights. Approximately three quarters of these concerned cases outside the remit of EU law. In addition, a recent survey by the European Ombudsman found that 72% of Europeans do not feel well informed about the Charter. Today's report is a first step in addressing these challenges, clarifying where the Charter applies and where it does not. This will ease citizens' access to justice. The report should help citizens determine where they need to turn when they believe that their fundamental rights have been violated by an EU institution or a national authority. The Annual Report is therefore part of the Commission's strategy to ensure that fundamental rights are effectively implemented so that people can rely on them in practice.
- Proposal for a Directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting victims, repealing Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA by Ina Dimireva — last modified 30 March 2010, 17:39 CET
- On 29 March 2010 the European Commission tabled a proposal for a new Directive on trafficking in human beings, aimed at further approximating legislation and penalties, ensuring successful prosecution, better protection of and assistance to victims, and prevention of trafficking. It follows up on a previous proposal tabled in 2009. The Directive, if approved, will replace current EU legislation dating from 2002 (Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA).
- EU Assistance to Kosovo by Ina Dimireva — last modified 08 February 2010, 23:25 CET
- Information about the assistance that the EU provides to Kosovo through the CARDS, Taiex and EIDHR programmes
- Promotion of compliance with international humanitarian law: Guidelines by Ina Dimireva — last modified 10 December 2009, 00:27 CET
- The European Union sets out guidelines with a view to promoting compliance with international humanitarian law in its relations with third countries.
- EU Fundamental rights and citizenship (2007-2013) by Ina Dimireva — last modified 09 December 2009, 10:14 CET
- This decision establishes the "Fundamental rights and citizenship" programme covering the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013. The programme forms part of the general programme "Fundamental rights and justice" and is intended to promote the development of a European society based on respect for fundamental rights, to strengthen civil society and encourage an open and transparent dialogue, as well as to fight racism and xenophobia and improve mutual understanding between the judicial and the administrative authorities and the legal professions.