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23 February 2023, 22:46 CET offers a selection of publications on the European Union, EU legislation and European affairs. Get listed! Listing costs GBP 75 for an entry on this page. Phone +44 (0)20 8058 8232 or email

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Key figures on Europe: 2024 edition 10 July 2024, 22:29 CET
This publication provides a selection of interesting key statistics on the European Union (EU), its Member States as well as the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). It includes visualisations, innovative data presentations and concise text, gives insight into recent developments across the EU and allows you to easily compare EU countries. Key figures on Europe covers indicators from 3 main areas: - people and society - economy and business - the environment and natural resources.

European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments 11 June 2024, 17:23 CET
The European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments presents the EMCDDA's latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report provides a comprehensive set of national data across these themes, as well as on specialist drug treatment and key harm reduction interventions.

Report on the EU enforcement of intellectual property rights in 2022 28 November 2023, 23:57 CET
Approximately 86 million fake items were detained in the European Union in 2022 (at the EU external border and in the internal market), according to a joint report published on 28 November by the European Commission and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Key figures on European living conditions - Eurostat 2023 edition 23 October 2023, 19:07 CET
Key figures on European living conditions provides intuitive visualisations and a comprehensive overview of living conditions in Europe. The first section describes income distribution and inequality, shedding light on social and financial disparities across countries and focusing on the challenges that certain groups face in accessing necessities. The second section covers households' characteristics and the employment situation of household members. It also provides information on living arrangements and the impact of these factors on overall well-being. The last section describes factors such as access to healthcare services, health and disability - also from a socio-economic perspective.

European Drought Risk Atlas 11 October 2023, 23:34 CET
In recent years, droughts have had substantial impacts on nearly all regions of the EU, affecting several critical systems such as agriculture, water supply, energy, river transport, and ecosystems. These impacts are projected to further increase due to climate change. While some of the drivers of drought risk are well known for some systems and regions, drought risks and impacts remain hard to assess and quantify.

REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL 41th Annual Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the EU’s Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Safeguard activities and the Use of Trade Defence Instrument 06 September 2023, 23:29 CET
The 2022 report on the EU's trade defence activities, adopted on 6 September, shows that the European Commission has continued to be active and assertive in defending EU producers against unfair trade practices in 2022 by robustly applying the legislation and ensuring that measures are effective. The Commission has also acted to make sure that third countries correctly apply trade defence rules, with some successes in ensuring continuous access for the EU producers to export markets. Some 177 measures were in place by the end of 2022, almost a fifth of which address circumvention practices. The highest number of EU trade defence measures concern imports from China, Russia, India, Korea and the US. Thanks to the EU's defence measures, almost half a million manufacturing jobs in the EU are protected, in sectors such as steel, aluminium, chemicals and ceramics. Dumped and subsidised imports from China remain the greatest challenge causing damage to European manufacturing industry.

Living and working in Europe 2022 28 August 2023, 21:36 CET
The year 2022 opened with cautious optimism. Europe was emerging from two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, with NextGenerationEU setting out a plan for a recovery that builds a strong and sustainable future. The Russian attack on Ukraine early in the year changed the situation dramatically, however, creating new turmoil across the continent. In its work during the year, Eurofound documented the impact of the rising cost of living and other developments arising from the war on the economic and psychological well-being of Europeans. This 2022 yearbook also summarises findings from the Agency's signature survey on working conditions during the pandemic, its reporting of trends in employment and its study of the potential role of social dialogue in the green and digital transition. Eurofound's research on working and living conditions in Europe provides a bedrock of evidence for input into social policymaking and achieving the Agency's vision 'to be Europe’s leading knowledge source for better life and work'.

The European Media Industry Outlook 18 May 2023, 18:32 CET
The European Media Industry Outlook is a European Commission report aiming to explore media trends and analyse their potential impact in the EU media markets. It looks into three media sectors (audiovisual, news media and video games), providing market overviews, technology trends and emerging production and consumption patterns at EU 27 level. The Outlook relies on consumer surveys, questionnaires, structured stakeholders input and secondary sources, around the common theme of the competitiveness of the EU industry.

Living and working in Europe 2021 01 February 2023, 22:21 CET
The COVID-19 pandemic continued to be a defining force in the lives and work of Europeans for a second year in 2021, and Eurofound continued its work of examining and recording the many and diverse impacts across the EU Member States. Living and working in Europe 2021 provides a snapshot of the changes to employment, work and living conditions in Europe, as gathered by Eurofound's research activities in 2021. This yearbook also summarises the Agency's findings on other challenging aspects of social and economic life – including gender equality in employment, wealth inequality and labour shortages – that will have a significant bearing on recovery from the pandemic, resilience in the face of the war in Ukraine, and a successful transition to a green and digital future. Eurofound's research on working and living conditions in Europe provides a bedrock of evidence for input into social policymaking and achieving the Agency's vision 'to be Europe's leading knowledge source for better life and work'.

Annual report on taxation 2022 - Review of taxation policies in the EU Member States 28 June 2022, 23:02 CET
The report presents the state of play of taxation in the EU. The report aims to describe the most recent reforms and the main indicators used by the European Commission to assess progress on taxation policies in EU Member States and at EU level. The report provides information on the EU's main tax priorities: foster innovation and productivity; contribute to social fairness and prosperity; make tax administrations more effective and efficient and ensure good cooperation between tax administrations. In addition, in view of the digital and green transition and several important EU and international tax developments, the report focuses in-depth on three topics: green taxation and its contribution to addressing climate change and supporting ambitious environmental objectives; the digital transition, and its effect on taxation systems, in terms of tax rules, tax revenue collection and tax administration; and business taxation in the 21st century.

European Drug Report 2022: Trends and Developments 16 June 2022, 17:25 CET
The Trends and Developments report presents the EMCDDA's latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report contains a comprehensive set of national data across these themes and key harm-reduction interventions.

Special report 06/2022: EU intellectual property rights - Protection not fully waterproof 26 April 2022, 22:30 CET
In this audit, the European Court of Auditors assessed whether intellectual property rights in EU trademarks, EU designs and geographical indications are well protected within the Single Market.

The EU in 2021 - General report on the activities of the European Union 09 March 2022, 15:40 CET
2021 was a very special year for all humanity. Do you want to know what the EU did during the year to combat the pandemic and its effect but also what progress it made in delivering on its other priorities? The measures it took to boost jobs, growth and investment? Or how citizens benefited from the European Union? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in The EU in 2021.

Early childhood education and care and the Covid-19 pandemic - Understanding and managing the impact of the crisis on the sector 05 October 2021, 17:54 CET
Participation in high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) is essential for the personal development, social integration, successful lifelong learning and later employability of all children. This is why it is so important to improve the quality and effectiveness of ECEC systems across Europe. This report describes how the pandemic was handled in the ECEC sector across Europe.

Special Report 22/2021: Sustainable finance: More consistent EU action needed to redirect finance towards sustainable investment 21 September 2021, 13:53 CET
The transition to a net-zero emission economy will require significant private and public investment. The European Court of Auditors report examines whether the Commission has been taking the right action to redirect finance towards sustainable investments. It concludes that more consistent EU action is needed. While the Commission rightly focused on increasing transparency in the market, there were no accompanying measures to address the cost of unsustainable economic activities and many actions have been delayed. In addition, the Commission needs to apply consistent criteria to determine the sustainability of EU budget investments and better target efforts to generate sustainable investment opportunities. The report can feed into the implementation of the 2021 Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy.

Modelling environmental and climate ambition in the agricultural sector with the CAPRI model 03 August 2021, 18:48 CET
During the last 30 years, the Common Agricultural Policy has increased the importance given to improving the environmental and climate performance of the European agriculture, as confirmed by the Future CAP proposal. Furthermore, the Green Deal strategy outlined a comprehensive approach to facilitate the transition towards sustainable food systems that links in a holistic approach all actors in the system, a path sketched out in the Farm to Fork (F2F) and Biodiversity (BDS) Strategies. Reflecting this ambition, this report was a contribution to the 2030 Climate Target Plan impact assessment, based on one of the main models used by the European Commission for agricultural policy analysis (the CAPRI model), which can incorporate some of the policies put forward for accelerating the transition towards sustainable food systems.

Annual report of the Court of Justice of the European Union 2020 01 June 2021, 23:07 CET
The annual report of the Court of Justice of the European Union is divided into two parts, entitled Judicial activity and Management report. The Court of Justice of the European Union also publishes The year in review, which is a summary of the annual report.

Annual Report on Taxation 2021 - Review of taxation policies in the EU Member States 19 May 2021, 18:11 CET
This report describes and assesses progress by EU Member States in bringing their tax policies in line with the EU’s main tax priorities to: foster innovation and productivity, thus supporting an EU economy that is fit for the digital and global challenges; pave the way for environmental sustainability and good public health, thus contributing to climate-neutral and more resilient economies; fight tax fraud, evasion and abuse, thus ensuring that everybody pays their fair share; and contribute to social fairness and prosperity, thus ensuring an economy that works for people and addresses their needs. With those priorities in mind, this report identifies relevant indicators and potential improvements of tax systems in terms of tax design, implementation and compliance. The report finds that taxation can play a key role in supporting Europe’s recovery. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a severe crisis in Europe and the world. Citizens face an increased risk of poverty, our public health systems have been put under stress, many companies are over-leveraged, and tax revenue is likely to decrease in the coming years due to the pandemic. Member States should take the recovery as an opportunity to reform their fiscal framework and to address challenges brought by climate change, environmental degradation, ageing of population, digitalisation and globalisation. A well-designed tax policy response can help to increase fairness and generate much needed and sustainable revenue to recover from this crisis. It can also help foster innovation and productivity to improve the resilience of our economies and restore a more solid capital structure. By evaluating European tax policies in the light of the European Commission’s priorities of investment, environmental sustainability, the fight against tax abuse, tax certainty and fair taxation, this report informs the reader about certain aspects of taxation under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which is at the centre of the NextGenerationEU instrument. The Annual Report on Taxation 2021 examines how EU Member States' tax systems help to achieve the EU Commission’s priorities, most notably: ensuring that the digital transition works for all; developing, modern, resource-efficient economies that are climateneutral; creating a more attractive investment environment; and simulating growth that helps to reduce poverty and inequality.

Living and working in Europe 2020 13 May 2021, 18:20 CET
The enormity of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and work of Europeans is hard to capture, but Eurofound's priority in 2020 was to record and assess the experience of this societal upheaval across the EU Member States in all its detail, variety and modulation. Living and working in Europe 2020 provides a snapshot of how the COVID-19 confinement measures changed employment, work and quality of life in Europe, as gathered by Eurofound's research activities in 2020. This yearbook also summarises the Agency's findings regarding developments in other aspects of social and economic life – including workplace practices, social dialogue, gender equality and access to public services – that will have a significant bearing on how quickly Europe recovers from the pandemic and a successful transition to a green and digital future. The findings on working and living conditions produced by Eurofound in the course of its work provide a bedrock of evidence for input into social policymaking.

Combating Unsafe Products: How to Improve Europe's Safety Gate Alerts 22 April 2021, 22:06 CET
The European Union has built a one-stop-shop for its member state regulators to post product safety notifications - Safety Gate (European Commission 2021d). Constructed on top of the Rapid Alert System for Dangerous Non-Food Products, or RAPEX, the Safety Gate web portal is designed to make public the "quick exchange of information" between 31 European countries and the European Commission "about measures taken against dangerous non-food products."

Potential need for changes to the governance and funding of EFRAG 08 March 2021, 21:04 CET
The report 'Potential need for changes to the governance and funding of EFRAG' proposes reforms to EFRAG's governance structure to ensure that future EU sustainability reporting standards are developed using an inclusive and rigorous process. It sets out, for example, how national and European authorities will be involved, while ensuring that the process also draws upon the expertise of the private sector and civil society.

Proposals for a relevant and dynamic EU sustainability reporting standard setting 08 March 2021, 21:04 CET
The report 'Proposals for a relevant and dynamic EU sustainability reporting standard setting' proposes a roadmap for the development of a comprehensive set of EU sustainability reporting standards. It was prepared by a multistakeholder task force established by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG).

Nature restoration - helping people, biodiversity and climate 03 February 2021, 11:55 CET
Restoring nature on land and sea would have huge benefits for people’s health and well-being and help tackle the biodiversity and climate crises. This publication by WWF brings this to life through a collection of real-world examples.

Cumulative economic impact of trade agreements on EU agriculture 26 January 2021, 22:15 CET
The EU trade agenda is set to have an overall positive impact on the EU economy and the agri-food sector, according to a new study published today. Trade agreements are due to result in substantial increases in EU agri-food exports, with more limited increases in imports, creating a positive trade balance overall. The study also confirms that the EU's approach to grant a limited amount of lower duty imports (through tariff rate quotas) is the best approach in terms of protecting specific vulnerable agri-food sectors in the EU.

Air quality in Europe - 2020 EEA report 23 November 2020, 23:47 CET
The Air quality in Europe report provides an annual assessment of the status and impacts of air quality and recent air quality trends. The report supports policy development and implementation in the field of air quality at both European and national levels.

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Libcast’s Online Video Platform in the limelight at BETT 2015 28 January 2015, 16:17 CET
Libcast of France will be showcasing its Online Video Platform at BETT 2015 in London, in January. The specialist company’s innovative and versatile solution enables users to host, manage and broadcast lectures live or in streaming mode. With 200,000 users, Libcast’s technology has already been chosen by many universities and schools, including leading colleges in France and Norway.

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