EU Publications
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- 2018 EU trade defence report — 28 March 2019, 23:46 CET
The EU shields 320,000 direct jobs across Europe from unfair foreign competition through its trade defence measures, according to a report out on 28 March 2019.
- Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) 2020 Vision — 19 March 2019, 18:08 CET
CEER and BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation) have developed a joint vision for 2020 of the EU’s energy industry that focuses on putting customers first. This vision is based on four key principles that unify the customers and the energy sector: Reliability - processes are to be set up so that any disputes or problems are resolved quickly, fairly and openly; Affordability - charges are to be fair and kept at a reasonable level for every customer; Simplicity - bills shall be fully understandable to enable customers to make the right choices to better manage their energy consumption; Protection and empowerment - customers shall be able to make quick and informed decisions in the energy market through developments in the sector, including energy efficiency measures.
- Standing Up for Competition: Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe's Quest for a New Industrial Policy — 14 March 2019, 17:08 CET
The pressure to reform EU competition policy is growing. After the failed merger of Alstom and Siemens, the French and German governments have called for a revamp of competition policy. The ultimate goal is to create European Champions - but this is something that will come at the expense of European citizens and businesses. 'It is worrying that the two most powerful governments in the EU are rushing to reinvent an industrial policy that failed in the past' says Oscar Guinea, a co-author of the paper. 'It is equally troubling that they take their cue from a view of current markets, concentration and firm power that is profoundly wrong. Market competition in Europe is on the decline and has been for decades' he adds.
- Special report no 04/2019: The control system for organic products has improved, but some challenges remain — 14 March 2019, 15:26 CET
Since 1991, the EU has had a control system governing the production, processing, distribution and import of organic products. It aims to give consumers the confidence that organic rules are applied at every stage of the supply chain. The EU organic sector has developed rapidly over recent years. Following up on our Special Report No 9/2012 published in June 2012, we found that the control system had improved. Our recommendations had generally been implemented, but some challenges remained. We make recommendations to address the remaining weaknesses we identified in the Member States for EU products, to improve the supervision of imported organic products through better cooperation as well as to carry out more complete traceability checks.
- Recycling rates and use of recycled materials in the EU — 06 March 2019, 12:13 CET
The recycling rates and use of recycled materials in the in the European Union (EU) are steadily growing. Overall, the EU recycled around 55% of all waste excluding major mineral waste in 2016 (compared with 53% in 2010). The rate for recovering construction and demolition waste reached 89% (2016), the recycling rate of packaging waste exceeded 67% (2016, compared with 64% in 2010) while the rate of plastic packaging was over 42% (2016, compared with 24% in 2005). The recycling rate for municipal waste stood at 46% (2017, compared with 35% in 2007) and for the waste of electrical and electronic equipment such as computers, televisions, fridges and mobile phones, which include valuable materials which can be recovered (e-waste) in the EU reached 41% (2016, compared with 28% in 2010).
- Sweden, UK and the EU: Managing post-Brexit Relations and Defining a new Agenda for European Competitiveness - Policy Brief No. 1/2019 — 28 February 2019, 23:30 CET
There is an urgent need to move on from the shock of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, and all the melodrama in the past two years over what form Brexit should take, and focus on building a new relationship between the UK and EU. Trade and political relationships face change, but there is much that can be done to make sure that negative effects are temporary, and that we find a stable future path. The relationship will only be decided with many years of talking, but in this paper we suggest a structure that builds on existing EU practice of putting in place a web of agreements with other countries, anchored by something like an Association Agreement. The EU without the UK will be a different organisation, and countries such as Sweden will have to step up to protect their interests. In short, the future relationship with the UK could also define the future of the EU.
- Commission report on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (assessment of the second River Basin Management Plans) and the Floods Directive (first Flood Risk Management Plans) — 28 February 2019, 23:22 CET
The European Commission published on 26 February its assessment of how EU Member States have implemented EU water legislation, highlighting successes and shortcomings. The six-yearly implementation report evaluates both Member States' River Basin Management Plans and Flood Risk Management Plans for the period 2015 to 2021.
- Convenient Truths - Mapping climate agendas of right-wing populist parties in Europe — 27 February 2019, 12:53 CET
Right-wing and Eurosceptic parties are expected to win more than 150 seats in the European Parliament in the 2019 European elections (up to 25 percent). Right-wing populists already hold seats in seven national governments of EU member states. This increases the influence of right-wing populists in the European Union and their ability to torpedo climate and energy policy. Publication by adelphi, a leading independent think tank and public policy consultancy on climate, environment and development.
- Share of renewable energy in the EU 2017 — 14 February 2019, 00:15 CET
Today's Eurostat report shows that the EU is on track for reaching its renewable energy target for 2020. In 2017, the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in the EU, reached 17.5%, up from 17.0% in 2016 and more than double the share as in 2004 (8.5), the first year for which the data are available.
- Briefing Paper: The EU's response to the "dieselgate" scandal — 07 February 2019, 13:25 CET
The question of discrepancies between laboratory figures and vehicle emissions on the road was brought into sharp focus with the discovery of the manipulation of vehicle emissions systems by the Volkswagen group, the so-called "dieselgate" scandal, which came to light in September 2015. This briefing paper sets out the actions taken, at the level of the European Union and Member States, and describes changes made to the system for measuring vehicle emissions after September 2015. The paper does not seek to assess whether the actions taken and proposed have solved the problem.
- 2019 Association Implementation Report on Georgia — 01 February 2019, 00:08 CET
In line with the revised European Neighbourhood Policy, this report sets out the state of play of Georgia’s commitments under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA) since the meeting of the EU-Georgia Association Council of 5 February 2018 and ahead of its next meeting of 5 March 2019.
- Erasmus+ annual report 2017 — 24 January 2019, 21:11 CET
In 2017 Erasmus+ continued to support the implementation of the four objectives of the 2015 Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education. In particular, it strengthened the focus on common values and inclusive education across all its actions, and prioritised them in a number of key calls for proposals, following the presentation and subsequent proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which establishes the importance of quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning as its first...
- Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe: National Policies and Measures — 17 January 2019, 23:21 CET
This Eurydice report investigates what top-level education authorities across Europe do to promote the integration of students from a migrant background into schools. It presents a comparative mapping of a wide range of national policies and measures aimed at placing newly arrived migrant students in schools and addressing the various issues related to them. It also offers a deeper analysis of some of the key policies that can enable schools to welcome students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and to take into account students’ holistic and emotional needs in order to encourage their learning and development. The report focuses on top-level regulations and recommendations covering primary, general lower and upper secondary education as well as school-based initial vocational education and training. In Part I, a comparative analysis covering all countries describes the existing policies and measures that impact the way newly arrived migrant students are placed in schools (in the reference year 2017/18) and how schools address the various issues related to them. Part II analyses policies in ten selected education systems along two main dimensions: the way diversity is accommodated and how migrant students' well-being is addressed. The report also analyses the comprehensiveness of policy approaches, which puts equal emphasis on the diversity and well-being side.
- Special Report of the European Ombudsman in strategic inquiry OI/2/2017/TE on the transparency of the Council legislative process — 17 January 2019, 22:32 CET
Following her inquiry into the transparency of legislative discussions in the preparatory bodies of the Council of the EU (the 'Council'), the Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, is sending this special report to the European Parliament to seek its support on the matter.
- Eurobarometer 90 - Public opinion in the European Union — 21 December 2018, 15:20 CET
According to a new Eurobarometer survey released on 21 December, for the first time, a majority of Europeans think that their voice counts in the EU. The number of Europeans who have a positive image of the EU increases. Support for the Economic and Monetary Union and for the euro is at a record high,with three-quarters of respondents (75%) in the Euro area in favour of the EU's single currency.
- Impasse in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body - Consequences and Responses — 13 December 2018, 15:45 CET
As the United States maintains its block on appointments of new members to the Appellate Body, there is growing concern about the pending incapacitation of the dispute settlement function of the World Trade Organisation. If the WTO can no longer offer effective dispute resolution, some argue, there is a risk that the whole WTO system of rules will collapse. However, while it is important to defend the integrity and effectiveness of dispute resolution, the rules-based system is about more than just the resolution of disputes. What is needed now is measured analyses of the interim options for the WTO if the impasse continues. This Policy Brief reviews some of these options, including the use of "no appeal agreements" and the establishment of alternative plurilateral mechanisms for dispute resolution. It concludes that the alternatives have their own weaknesses and risks, and that the best way forward is for WTO members to pursue constructive and inclusive cooperation in order restore trust in the trade rules and in the good faith of other members.
- Experiences and perceptions of antisemitism - Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in the EU — 10 December 2018, 17:11 CET
This report outlines the main findings of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' second survey on Jewish people's experiences with hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism in the European Union - the biggest survey of Jewish people ever conducted worldwide. The findings make for a sobering read. They underscore that antisemitism remains pervasive across the EU - and has, in many ways, become disturbingly normalised. The important information provided herein can support policy-makers across the EU in stepping up their efforts to ensure the safety and dignity of all Jewish people living in the EU.
- Towards Decarbonising Transport - A 2018 Stocktake on Sectoral Ambition in the G20 — 07 December 2018, 12:13 CET
CO2 emissions from transport are still rising. If immediate action is not taken, more radical measures will be unavoidable in the future. This is the top line conclusion from the newly released joint report by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), REN21 and the Berlin-based think tank Agora Verkehrswende. This new report provides a summary for each G20 nation, including data on CO2 emission trends in the national transport sector, climate policy targets and measures for lowering emissions. The data make clear that only three countries from the G20 have set targets for reducing emissions in the transport sector: Germany, France and Japan.
- Permanent Atlas of the European Union — 06 December 2018, 23:44 CET
With its 28 Member States and its 510 million inhabitants the European Union is the world's leading economic power. The euro is the second reserve currency. And yet Europe is too often criticised for the vicissitudes of its construction. So that in the end it remains greatly misunderstood.
This Atlas of the European Union is an introductory work of reference to the Union, its institutions, each of its Member States and their overseas territories, via their history, their culture and their reality. With over 50 maps, original information sheets and summarised statistics, it offers a unique portrait of Europe that is accessible to the widest audience. It is a vital tool to learn about and understand the issues at stake in the 21st century and the challenges that Europe faces in a world undergoing deep change.
Drafted by experts at the Robert Schuman Foundation - one of the leading think-tanks devoted to Europe - this book provides easy access to information about Europe.
- Investment Openness in Europe: Investment Screening and Implications for EU-China Investment Relations - ECIPE Bulletin No. 2/2018 — 22 November 2018, 22:37 CET
In the context of the proposal to establish an EU investment screening framework and the ongoing negotiations of the EU-China investment agreement, ECIPE in cooperation with the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) organised a discussion with stakeholders on the threats and opportunities of Chinese investments in European technology and European investments in China in September 2018. This bulletin is based on stakeholder opinions expressed during this discussion, as well as subsequent stakeholder consultations conducted by the authors.
- Export. Thrive. Change the World: Seven steps to export success for businesses that wont let Brexit stop their global growth — 21 November 2018, 23:12 CET
Export. Thrive. Change the World is a practical guide for small business owners who would like to export but are unsure how. Jennifer addresses the major concerns she has encountered whilst working with small business owners including Brexit. Then shares her seven steps to export success. Jennifer intends to provide business owners with all the tools and resources necessary to export.
- Monitoring drug use in recreational settings across Europe: conceptual challenges and methodological innovations — 15 November 2018, 23:15 CET
This report explores how data on drug use are captured through surveys of targeted populations in recreational settings. The benefits and challenges of monitoring drug use in recreational settings are identified, as are emergent data sources and methodological innovations. The report draws on cutting-edge debates within social research, sociology and critical drug studies to encourage dialogue between researchers and with monitoring agencies.
- Patents and self-driving vehicles — 06 November 2018, 18:29 CET
This study provides a comprehensive picture of current trends and emerging leaders in self-driving vehicle technologies. Drawing on the EPO's most recent patent information, including as yet unpublished patent applications, and incorporating advanced technology expertise in the field, it is a unique source of intelligence which will enable policy-makers and industry leaders to understand and anticipate the significant changes that are on the way.
- Labour market and wage developments in Europe - Annual review 2018 — 25 October 2018, 21:50 CET
The 2018 edition of the Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe shows that job creation continued to progress in 2017 and the first half of 2018 and analyses the reasons behind this improvement. The report also focuses on short and long term determinants of moderate wage growth in the EU and on wage convergence in Central and Easter European member states. The report analyses the labour market from a macroeconomic perspective. It provides an analysis of recent employment and wage developments, looking at the euro area and the EU as a whole in comparison with its global trading partners.
- Cooperation in Europe’s Digital Economy: How do Countries Position Themselves? — 18 October 2018, 23:53 CET
This paper focuses on the European Union members' stances on digital-policy reform and on their own understanding of the costs and benefits of the growth of the digital economy.
In this paper, we identify three groups of countries – digital managerialists, digital frontrunners, and digital convergers. Each group has different positions on matters of digital openness, and those differences typically reflect how the digital sector sits in national economies and the relative size of digital endowments.
The paper also suggests new ways for countries to cooperate in current or new constellations, which will allow them to profit from other countries’ experiences, and to fully develop their own policy preferences as well as a clear understanding of appropriate digital reforms for them.
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- Libcast’s Online Video Platform in the limelight at BETT 2015 — 28 January 2015, 16:17 CET
Libcast of France will be showcasing its Online Video Platform at BETT 2015 in London, in January. The specialist company’s innovative and versatile solution enables users to host, manage and broadcast lectures live or in streaming mode. With 200,000 users, Libcast’s technology has already been chosen by many universities and schools, including leading colleges in France and Norway.