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Standing Up for Competition: Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe's Quest for a New Industrial Policy

Author: Oscar Guinea Fredrik Erixon
Price FREE
Publisher European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
Publication date 14 March 2019
Publication synopsis The pressure to reform EU competition policy is growing. After the failed merger of Alstom and Siemens, the French and German governments have called for a revamp of competition policy. The ultimate goal is to create European Champions - but this is something that will come at the expense of European citizens and businesses. 'It is worrying that the two most powerful governments in the EU are rushing to reinvent an industrial policy that failed in the past' says Oscar Guinea, a co-author of the paper. 'It is equally troubling that they take their cue from a view of current markets, concentration and firm power that is profoundly wrong. Market competition in Europe is on the decline and has been for decades' he adds.

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