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Living and working in Europe 2020

Author: Burke, Helen
Price FREE
Publisher Eurofound
Publication date 07 May 2021
ISBN 978-92-897-2170-7
Publication synopsis The enormity of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and work of Europeans is hard to capture, but Eurofound's priority in 2020 was to record and assess the experience of this societal upheaval across the EU Member States in all its detail, variety and modulation. Living and working in Europe 2020 provides a snapshot of how the COVID-19 confinement measures changed employment, work and quality of life in Europe, as gathered by Eurofound's research activities in 2020. This yearbook also summarises the Agency's findings regarding developments in other aspects of social and economic life – including workplace practices, social dialogue, gender equality and access to public services – that will have a significant bearing on how quickly Europe recovers from the pandemic and a successful transition to a green and digital future. The findings on working and living conditions produced by Eurofound in the course of its work provide a bedrock of evidence for input into social policymaking.

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