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SMEs in the EU

News and information about the European Union's policies for small and medium-sized businesses.

New EU rules to promote high-quality audits in force 20 June 2016, 23:50 CET
New EU statutory audit rules came into force Friday, with the aim of enhancing investor trust in companies' financial information, and boosting confidence in Europe's financial sector.

Member States back prospectus reform 09 June 2016, 12:39 CET
EU Member States gave their backing Wednesday to a proposal to overhaul prospectus rules that apply when firms wish to tap Europe's capital markets.

Brussels gives support for 'sharing economy' 02 June 2016, 18:33 CET
Support for the so-called 'sharing economy' was given by the Commission Thursday with guidelines on online platforms which offer services such as sharing houses and car journeys.

Europe can be 'global hub for standardisation' 02 June 2016, 01:11 CET
A new Communication on standardisation, adopted Wednesday by the European Commission, aims to ensure that Europe remains a global hub for standardisation.

Trade secrets directive to protect innovation in Europe 31 May 2016, 10:46 CET
New EU rules to help firms win legal redress against theft or misuse of their trade secrets were agreed by EU ministers Friday, the aim being to protect innovation and creation in Europe.

EU pilot scheme to break regulatory barriers to innovation 27 May 2016, 11:43 CET
The European Commission issued calls for expressions of interest on Thursday from projects contributing to EU plans on the circular economy, in a pilot scheme to break down regulatory barriers to innovation.

EU backs crowdfunding as alternative funding source for startups 04 May 2016, 01:09 CET
The European Commission gave its backing to the use of crowdfunding as an alternative source of finance for start-ups in the EU Member States, in a report on the sector published on Tuesday.

EU trade mark applications continue upward rise 26 April 2016, 23:00 CET
Applications for European Union trade marks continued their upward rise in 2015, with Germany leading the way from the Member States, and Paris from the regions. Almost 90,000 EU trade mark applications were received from the Member States in 2015.

EU public procurement changes come into force 19 April 2016, 19:22 CET
New rules designed to open up the EU's public procurement market to competition and prevent 'buy national' policies by public authorities came into force on Monday.

European Parliament's vote turns health into a trade secret 14 April 2016, 18:41 CET
The European Parliament approved today a new Directive on Trade Secrets, a position that would signal that trade secrets outweigh the public interest. The impact will be negative for health, by declaring information on safety of medicines commercially confidential and to be kept secret from patients, regulators and the public.

'Trade secrets' directive given EU green light 14 April 2016, 17:45 CET
Euro-MPs gave the green light Thursday to new EU rules to help firms win legal redress against theft or misuse of their trade secrets. The legislation ensures freedom of expression and information, so that the rules do not restrict the work of journalists.

VAT Action Plan: right diagnosis needs effective remedies 07 April 2016, 17:25 CET
EUROCHAMBRES broadly supports the approach set out in the VAT Action Plan adopted today by the European Commission and underlines the importance of a single VAT area to completing the single market. The reference to an SME VAT Package is particularly encouraging. Converting this approach into meaningful rules and measures will make or break the approach.

SMEs need more supportive conditions for jobs and growth 16 March 2016, 23:18 CET
Today, the European Social Partners met with the European Council and Commission, as well as with the Troika of Head of States at the Tripartite Social Summit, to discuss the refugee crisis, digitalisation and an improved involvement of Social Partners in European Governance. Ulrike Rabmer-Koller, President of UEAPME, focused her intervention at the meeting on how the EU policy can help strengthen the economic recovery and support SMEs.

The EC posting of workers revision opens new debates 09 March 2016, 16:52 CET
UEAPME, the European Employers Association for SMEs, takes note of the EC proposal revising the posting of workers directive.

Better involvement of SMEs in governance discussed with VP Dombrovskis 11 February 2016, 12:32 CET
Yesterday afternoon, Ulrike Rabmer-Koller President of UEAPME met EC Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis to discuss better involvement of SME Employers’ Associations in economic governance at European and national level.

EU SME policy has to move from words to actions 27 January 2016, 12:40 CET
Ulrike Rabmer-Koller, used her first official visit to Brussels as the new President of the European Crafts and SME Association UEAPME, to discuss future priorities of Europe's SME policy with EC Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, Commissioner Avramopoulos, Members of Parliament, representatives from Commission services and other stakeholders.

Overhaul for EU prospectus rules 30 November 2015, 19:25 CET
The European Commission has proposed to overhaul prospectus rules to improve access to finance for companies and simplify information for investors. Small and medium-sized companies in particular will find it easier to raise funding when issuing shares or debt. Companies already listed on public markets will benefit when they want to list additional shares or issue corporate bonds.

Roadmap to a deeper and fairer Single Market 29 October 2015, 13:56 CET
The European Commission presented on 28 October a roadmap to unleash the full potential of the Single Market and make it the launchpad for Europe to thrive in the global economy.

CMU Action Plan tackles right challenges, but much work still lies ahead 30 September 2015, 15:32 CET
Today, the European Commission published its Action Plan for creating a real Capital Market Union for Europe. As a first reaction, UEAPME Secretary General Peter Faross, underlined the importance of a Capital Market Union as an essential pillar for a real Single Market.

New status for single-member private limited liability companies 28 May 2015, 22:08 CET
The EU presidency said on 28 May the Council has agreed on a compromise text for a draft directive aimed at creating a new status for single-member private limited liability companies.

EU trade mark reform package 23 April 2015, 13:30 CET
The European Commission, European Parliament and Council reached provisional political agreement on 21 April on the EU's trade mark reform package. The agreed measures are set to make trade mark registration systems all over the EU more accessible and efficient for businesses in terms of lower costs, increased speed, more predictability and greater legal certainty. The Commission says the reform will improve conditions for businesses to innovate and to benefit from more effective trade mark protection against counterfeits, including non-authentic goods in transit through the EU's territory.

SMEs and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - report 20 April 2015, 16:45 CET
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has significant potential for small and medium sized enterprises, according to a report released in Brussels on 20 April. It presents the results of a survey of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) carried out in 2014 on challenges they face when exporting to the United States. It also uses newly available data to look at the scale of exports by EU SMEs to the United States.

Green light for SME financing under Europe investment plan 19 February 2015, 15:08 CET
Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) across Europe should be able to benefit from the first funds from the new European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) before the summer, following a decision by the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on 17 February.

Capital Markets Union 18 February 2015, 15:08 CET
The Capital Markets Union (CMU) is a plan of the European Commission that aims to create deeper and more integrated capital markets in the 28 Member States of the EU. With the CMU, the Commission will explore ways of reducing fragmentation in financial markets, diversifying financing sources, strengthening cross border capital flows and improving access to finance for businesses, particularly SMEs. The CMU is a new frontier of Europe's single market. Its creation is a key element of the Investment Plan announced by the Juncker Commission in November 2014.

EC Capital Markets Union to build a single market for capital 18 February 2015, 15:10 CET
The European Commission launched on 18 February a landmark project to unlock funding for Europe’s businesses and to boost growth in the EU’s 28 Member States with the creation of a true single market for capital.