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Quality of life in European cities 2020 13 October 2020, 23:50 CET
What city is the cleanest or the safest? In which city is easy to find a job or a house? Which city has the best public transport or air quality? Answers to these questions and many more can be found in the latest Report on the Quality of life in European Cities, 2020. This report summarises the results of the 5th survey of European cities, which covers 83 cities and was carried out in 2019.

EU action to tackle the issue of plastic waste: Review No 04/2020 06 October 2020, 23:18 CET
This review examines the EU's response to the growing problem of plastic waste with a focus on plastic packaging waste. The EU's 2018 plastics strategy proposes measures aiming to improve recyclability, collection, sorting, recycling and recycled content of plastic products. The revised Packaging and Packaging Waste directive set new plastic packaging recycling targets for 2025 (50 %) and 2030 (55 %). New stricter reporting rules will likely lead the EU's reported average plastic packaging recycling rate to drop. Even for plastic packaging, the most developed arm of the plastics strategy, concerted action by stakeholders at EU and Member State level will be required to bridge the considerable gap between the current recycling rate and where we need to be in only 5 to 10 years' time.

European Drug Report 2020: Trends and Developments 22 September 2020, 21:49 CET
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of patterns emerging across Europe in the areas of drug supply, illicit drug use and associated public health problems. National data sets are also provided across these themes and on key harm-reduction interventions.

Healthy environment, healthy lives: how the environment influences health and well-being in Europe 08 September 2020, 21:59 CET
A significant proportion of the burden of disease in Europe continues to be attributed to environmental pollution resulting from human activity. This report highlights how the quality of Europe's environment plays a key role in determining our health and well-being.

Report on EU Competition Policy 2019 09 July 2020, 17:41 CET
The European Commission published on 9 July the Report on Competition Policy for 2019, presenting its most important policy and legislative initiatives, as well as key decisions adopted last year. In 2019, the Commission's competition policy and enforcement actions continued to target anticompetitive conduct and measures in markets of particular relevance for citizens and businesses in the EU, such as the telecommunications and digital sectors, energy and environment, financial services, taxation, agriculture and food, manufacturing and transport.

Trade and Investment Barriers Report 2019 18 June 2020, 23:53 CET
Thanks to the European Union's successful intervention, European companies generated EUR 8 billion in additional exports in 2019. The high number of new restrictions that hinder EU exports shows however that protectionism has become deeply ingrained in global trade. These are some of the findings of the Commission's annual Trade and Investment Barriers Report published on 18 June.

European bathing water quality in 2019 08 June 2020, 23:06 CET
Bathing is an extremely popular and important leisure activity in Europe. This annual assessment of European bathing sites shows how well environmental protection measures are implemented, allowing people to make informed decisions on where to go to best enjoy Europe’s inland and coastal bathing sites.

The EU in 2019 - General report on the activities of the European Union 11 March 2020, 17:55 CET
Find out everything you need to know about the European Union’s achievements in 2019. The General Report on the Activities of the European Union brings you up to date on how the EU delivered on the 10 priorities set by the Juncker Commission. As well as the results of the European elections, find out about the changes at the top of the EU institutions, including the first actions of the new European Commission, which took office in December. You can find information on these and many more issues in The EU in 2019.

2019 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard 19 December 2019, 22:30 CET
The 2019 edition of the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (the Scoreboard) comprises the 2500 companies investing the largest sums in R&D in the world in 2018/19. These companies, based in 44 countries, each invested over €30 million in R&D for a total of €823.4bn which is approximately 90% of the world’s business-funded R&D. They include 551 EU companies accounting for 25% of the total, 769 US companies for 38%, 318 Japanese companies for 13%, 507 Chinese for 12% and 355 from the rest-of-the-world (RoW) for 12%. This report analyses the main changes in companies' R&D and economic indicators over the past year and their performance over the past ten years. It also includes patent-based analyses aimed at characterising further the R&D efficiency of the business health sector and the activity of the Scoreboard companies in the field of environmental technologies.

The European environment - state and outlook 2020: knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe 04 December 2019, 23:01 CET
Europe will not achieve its 2030 goals without urgent action during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources. The European Environment Agency's (EEA) latest 'State of the Environment' report states that Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency.

Special report No 21/2019: Addressing antimicrobial resistance: progress in the animal sector, but this health threat remains a challenge for the EU 18 November 2019, 23:50 CET
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to global health. The EU follows a "One Health" approach to the problem, considering veterinary, human health, and environmental issues. We examined how the Commission and relevant EU agencies managed their support to Member States and the EU funded research aimed at fighting antimicrobial resistance. We concluded that the activities of the Commission and agencies led to some progress. However, there is little evidence that the health burden of AMR has reduced. We make recommendations to improve the Commission's response to AMR through better support to Member State national action plans; promoting better monitoring and the prudent use of antimicrobials; and strengthening strategies for boosting research.

Challenges and prospects in the EU: Quality of life and public services 28 October 2019, 11:45 CET
What have been the major developments in quality of life and public services in Europe in recent years, as captured by research into these areas in Eurofound’s work programme for 2017–2020? This flagship publication provides a synthesis of the main findings on several key topics, based, in part, on European Quality of Life Survey data. It maps developments and perceptions regarding the following: trust in institutions and social cohesion; access to and quality of health and care services; the impact of digitalisation on social services; access to services for young people; and measures aimed at integrating refugees. While the report highlights many challenges and emerging issues for public services, it also showcases a number of positive experiences with the involvement of client groups in the design of services and take-up of new technologies.

Blockchain now and tomorrow: Assessing multidimensional impacts of distributed ledger technologies 10 October 2019, 21:04 CET
Blockchain can enable parties with no particular trust in each other to exchange digital data on a peer-to-peer basis with fewer or no third parties or intermediaries. Data could correspond, for instance, to money, insurance policies, contracts, land titles, medical and educational records, birth and marriage certificates, buying and selling goods and services, or any transaction or asset that can be translated into a digital form. The potential of blockchain to engender wide-ranging changes in the economy, industry and society – both now and tomorrow – is currently being explored across sectors and by a variety of organisations. This report provides multidimensional insights into the state of blockchain technology by identifying ongoing and upcoming transformations in a range of sectors and setting out an anticipatory approach for further exploration. Moving beyond the hype and debunking some of its controversies, we aim to offer both an in-depth and practical understanding of blockchain and its possible applications.

Education and Training Monitor EU analysis, volume 1 2019 27 September 2019, 11:54 CET
Published as a European Commission Staff Working Document, the Education and Training Monitor presents a yearly evaluation of education and training system across Europe. The report brings together the latest data, technical reports and studies, as well as examples of policy measures from different EU countries. Volume 1 offers a cross-national and thematic analysis. Volume 2 consists of 28 individual country reports.

Intellectual property rights intensive industries and economic performance in the European Union 25 September 2019, 13:08 CET
This joint study by the EPO and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) analyses the contribution of IPR-intensive sectors to the EU economy. Third edition (September 2019) It covers all major IP rights (patents, trade marks, designs, copyright, geographical indications and plant varieties), identifies which industries make above-average use of them and quantifies the contribution of these IPR-intensive industries to major macro-economic variables (employment, wages, GDP, and trade) from across the EU as well as from Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. The study provides comprehensive and robust data, as well as a solid evidence base for policymakers.

European Prevention Curriculum: a handbook for decision-makers, opinion-makers and policy-makers in science-based prevention of substance use 24 September 2019, 23:19 CET
This handbook has been developed with the primary purpose of providing specific reference material for the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) training courses. It also serves to provide a more general introduction to prevention science and, in particular, to science-based interventions. The training curriculum has been developed by a European project entitled UPC-Adapt, which was co-funded by the European Commission.

Report on the EU customs enforcement of intellectual property rights: results at the EU border, 2018 19 September 2019, 16:10 CET
New figures released by the European Commission on 19 September show that the number of interceptions of fake goods being imported into the EU increased in 2018 due to a large amount of small parcels in express and postal traffic. Detention figures for seized consignments jumped from 57,433 in 2017 to 69,354 in 2018, though the total amount of articles detained decreased compared to previous years. Almost 27 million articles that infringed on intellectual property rights (IPR) were detained in 2018 with a street value of nearly EUR 740 million.

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 16 September 2019, 23:43 CET
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was a proposed multilateral treaty for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. The agreement aims to establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create a new governing body outside existing forums, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the United Nations.

Digital Education at School in Europe - Eurydice Report 12 September 2019, 17:12 CET
Acknowledging the key role school education plays in preparing young people for a tech-driven world, this report sheds light on two different but complementary perspectives of digital education: the development of digital competences relevant to learners and teachers on the one hand, and the pedagogical use of technologies to support, improve and transform learning and teaching on the other. The report provides indicators on the development of students' digital competence through school curricula and teacher-specific digital competences, the assessment of students' digital competences and the use of technology for assessment in general, and finally, on the strategic approaches to digital education and specifically policies supporting schools in this matter. While the four main chapters provide policy-makers, researchers and the education community with comparative information on the current school digital education policies across Europe, the annexes add specific information by country, on school curricula, teacher competence frameworks, top-level strategies and agencies supporting digital education at school.

Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe - EEA Report No 4/2019 04 September 2019, 23:57 CET
Climate change affects agriculture in a number of ways. Changes in temperature and precipitation as well as weather and climate extremes are already influencing crop yields and livestock productivity in Europe. Weather and climate conditions also affect the availability of water needed for irrigation, livestock watering practices, processing of agricultural products, and transport and storage conditions. Climate change is projected to reduce crop productivity in parts of southern Europe and to improve the conditions for growing crops in northern Europe. Although northern regions may experience longer growing seasons and more suitable crop conditions in future, the number of extreme events negatively affecting agriculture in Europe is projected to increase.

Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018 25 June 2019, 21:04 CET
The 2018 edition of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union reflects an effort to offer, as in previous years, a concise, yet comprehensive overview of qualitative and quantitative information on key developments and trends in the area of international protection and the functioning of the Common European Asylum System. The Report also indicates key activities and initiatives undertaken by EASO in the course of the year, promoting the consistent implementation of the CEAS in EU+ countries. Reflecting the advances in EASO’s work on collecting and analysing information, the Report integrates insights from a wide range of sources, allowing for an in-depth presentation and analysis of major developments related to international protection in the EU+ and the context within which these occur. To this end, an effort was made to reflect the diversity of perspectives, expressed by a variety of actors in regards to pressing asylum-related issues, which at times may be of a constructively critical nature.

Trade and Investment Barriers Report 2018 17 June 2019, 22:50 CET
The European Commission's report released on 17 June 2019 confirms the continuous rise in barriers encountered by European companies in foreign markets. 123 such barriers have been eliminated since the beginning of the current Commission mandate, allowing for more than €6 billion extra exports in 2018. The latest edition of the Trade and Investment Barriers Report (TIBR) identifies 45 new trade barriers put in place in countries outside the EU in 2018, bringing the total number to a record high of 425 measures in 59 different countries, costing EU businesses billions of euros every year.

European Drug Report 2019: Trends and Developments 06 June 2019, 17:25 CET
The Trends and Developments report presents a top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Europe, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. Together with the online Statistical Bulletin and 30 Country Drug Reports, it makes up the 2019 European Drug Report package.

EU actions for cross-border healthcare: significant ambitions but improved management required - European Court of Auditors special report no 07/2019 04 June 2019, 17:30 CET
The 2011 Cross-border Healthcare Directive seeks to ensure EU patients' rights to access safe and high-quality healthcare, including across national borders within the EU. These rights are also intended to facilitate closer cooperation between Member States on eHealth and the treatment of rare diseases. We concluded that although EU actions in cross-border healthcare enhance Member States' collaboration, the benefits for patients were limited. We found that despite the progress made on providing EU citizens with information on cross-border healthcare, in some areas this information remains difficult to access. We identified weaknesses in the Commission's strategic planning and project management. We make recommendations focusing on the Commission's support for National Contact Points, the deployment of cross-border exchanges of health data, and EU's actions in the field of rare diseases.

Europe and South-East Asia: Shifting from Diplomacy to Unilateralism 30 May 2019, 16:46 CET
The postponement of the planned 'strategic partnership' between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the EU highlights deep concerns and divisions for opening up in the relationship. The EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and Investment Partnership Agreement (IPA), stand alone as a success for EU-ASEAN trade relations, in an otherwise troubled landscape. Bilateral trade agreements with Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand remain frozen or unratified for multiple non-trade reasons, often stemming from domestic politics.

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Libcast’s Online Video Platform in the limelight at BETT 2015 28 January 2015, 16:17 CET
Libcast of France will be showcasing its Online Video Platform at BETT 2015 in London, in January. The specialist company’s innovative and versatile solution enables users to host, manage and broadcast lectures live or in streaming mode. With 200,000 users, Libcast’s technology has already been chosen by many universities and schools, including leading colleges in France and Norway.

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