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Which dogs are most prone to joint problems?

06 July 2021, 17:01 CET

Arthritis is one of the most common joint problems for dogs. It is a painful condition that affects both humans and animals, and at any age. While it is more common to see arthritic joints and joint problems in older pets, younger pets can supper too. Some breeds of dog are more prone to joint problems than others.

Dog breeds more prone to joint problems include:

  • Labradors
  • Springer Spaniels
  • German Shepherds
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Rottweilers
  • Bernese mountain dogs

Although, as with humans there are no hard and fast rules as to how you can alleviate or cure joint issues in dogs, there are a number of dog joint supplements available which can be added to your dog's diet to help with these potential problems

What causes joint problems in dogs?

Dogs that are too sedentary also run the risk of experiencing joint troubles. However, unlike humans who can to some extent address this whilst remaining perhaps a little more sedentary than they ought to, for example by utilising furniture like gaming bean bag chairs or similar, dogs need to be moving and running around to avoid sedentary-related issues.

Arthritis in dogs is caused by joints rubbing together, causing abnormal friction which creates pain and information for your pet. In healthy dogs, cartilage coats the end of the bones and helps the joints to work smoothly. But with age cartilage can become worn down which means joints maybe rubbing bone on bone.

However, arthritis is not just related to a dog's age, it can also be caused by poor genetics or injuries relating to torn cartilage.

How can I spot the signs of arthritis in my dog?

Dogs rarely show their pain until it's too much to bear, which can make it difficult to spot the early signs of discomfort for your pet. Make sure you are keeping a close eye on your pet and watch out for signs of:

  • Licking joints
  • Lethargic
  • Low mood
  • Slowing down on walks
  • Limping or lameness on any joints, often intermittent
  • Feeling the cold more than usual
  • Grumpiness and sensitivity (especially when being touched or stroked on affected joints)

If you begin to spot these symptoms, take your dog to the vet so that they can run tests and give a full diagnosis. If your dog is diagnosed with a joint problem or arthritis there are many treatment options that your vet may prescribe. The vet may suggest treatments like anti-inflammatory painkillers, hydrotherapy, joint mobility support and sometimes your vet will prescribe a more invasive procedure like a joint replacement.

What can I do to ease my dog's pain?

There a lot of things, you can do support your dog and he's there pain if they're suffering from arthritis. Firstly, you should always visit the vet for professional advice. It should be noted that these suggestions are not a replacement for professional veterinary care. always make sure you discuss your options with your vet first.

You may be able to support your dog with daily massages, regular short walks, keeping your pet warm, providing them a comfy and soft bed, keeping your dog's weight down and providing them the nutritional care they need. A balanced and nutritionally complete diet is important for every dog.

You may also like to supplement your dog's diet with joint support supplements. There are a few options on the market and the best way to support your dog is talking to your vet about the best options for your dog.

Your vet may suggest a supplement that include Glucosamine or Chondroitin as these nutrients will support your dog's joint function and help to ease their arthritis symptoms.

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