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E-skills to unlock potential - EUbusiness Week newsletter 697


EUbusiness Week 697 top stories: Greece pleads for help at EU summit; Draghi says criticism of ECB is 'unfair'; EU unveils clampdown on tax avoidance after LuxLeaks; UK approves plain cigarette packaging for 2016; Cyprus pulls back from abyss after traumatic bailout; Tenth of wild bee species risk extinction in Europe

Publisher's Note

Last week key stakeholders pushed for bold action on the digital single market by unveiling the 'Riga Declaration on e-skills'. They looked to kickstart a campaign to address a critical shortfall in e-skills in Europe's workforce, not only in tech jobs but also for the wider jobs market.

By helping to equip society with up-to-date competencies and skills, the e-Skills campaign can play an important role in unlocking Europe's potential for growth and job creation. It embodies the kind of Europe that policy-makers say they are aiming for, where the mass of people are skilled, and not shut out from the opportunities that are being created.
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Nick Prag
Publisher, EUbusiness


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1. Greece pleads for help at EU summit

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged leaders at the EU summit to help him tackle a looming cash crunch despite warnings from Germany that he should expect no breakthrough.
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EU's Russia sanctions set to last until end 2015
German couple pays Greece EUR 875 in WWII 'damages'

2. Draghi says criticism of ECB is 'unfair'

European Central Bank president Mario Draghi said Wednesday it was "not fair" to label the ECB as the main perpetrator of unpopular austerity in Europe as protestors clashed with police outside.
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Bank borrowing in ECB loan programme beats expectations

3. EU unveils clampdown on tax avoidance after LuxLeaks

The EU has intensified efforts to fight rampant tax avoidance by multinationals in its first major effort to counter the LuxLeaks scandal that poured embarrassment on Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker.
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4. UK approves plain cigarette packaging for 2016

Britain will become the first Member State to introduce plain packaging on cigarette packets after members of the House of Lords rubber-stamped a new law on Monday.
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5. Cyprus pulls back from abyss after traumatic bailout

Two years after its failing banks nearly pushed Cyprus over the edge, sending shockwaves through the eurozone, the country has pulled back from the abyss, saved by painful austerity and a multi-billion euro rescue package.
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6. Tenth of wild bee species risk extinction in Europe

Nearly 10 per cent of some 2,000 species of European wild bees are threatened with extinction, according to a study.
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Maldives: the conviction of former Maldives president and opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed "raises very serious questions" about the legal system in the Indian Ocean archipelago, says the EU.
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Zagreb mayor forfeits EUR 2m bail
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Inside the EU Institutions

Council Watch

Israel: the EU has congratulated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his election victory but stressed the need to relaunch the Middle East peace process which he appeared to repudiate during the campaign.
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EU names new Middle East special envoy
EU clears way for Bosnia to submit membership bid
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Commission Watch

Cuba: foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is to visit Cuba later this month in a bid to spur talks aimed at normalising ties, the first such trip by a top EU diplomat.
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EU seeks new Ukraine-Russia gas deal by June
Door still open to Iceland, says EU
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Parliament Watch

Climate change: time is running out for the world to achieve a climate change agreement, EP head Martin Schulz said ahead of the key UN meeting in Paris later this year.
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Russia slams criticism from Euro-MPs as 'lies'
Also this week, the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly said the EU's eastern partnership policy should boost cooperation with its eastern neighbourhood countries to reduce both parties' energy dependence on Russia; Parliament's internal market committee approved deployment of the eCall automatic alert system for cars; and trade committee MEPs backed a EUR 1.8 bn EU loan plans for Ukraine, and debated potential benefits of the TTIP EU-US trade deal.
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EU diary

23 Mar: European alert system for dangerous products
23-24 Mar: European Parliament Committee Meetings
24 Mar: Commission publishes EU road safety statistics 2014
25 Mar: European Parliament plenary session
25 Mar: Commission discusses plans for Digital Single Market
26 Mar: Commission adopts monthly infringements package
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Europol unit to tackle Mediterranean people smugglers 17-Mar
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