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Poll: Young people in 13 EU countries refuse surveillance of online communication

07 March 2023
by eub2 -- last modified 07 March 2023

New evidence shows that 80% of young people aged 13 to 17 years old from 13 EU Member States would not feel comfortable being politically active or exploring their sexuality if authorities were able to monitor their digital communication, in order to look for child sexual abuse.


These survey results come at an important moment as the European Parliament is negotiating the European Commission's proposal 'laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse' (CSA Regulation).

"With negotiations currently in full swing, it is vital that all Members of the European Parliament listen to the results of this survey. Young people benefit greatly from privacy and security online, and are counting on MEPs to reject a proposal that would put their digital lives under attack." - Ella Jakubowska, Senior Policy Advisor, EDRi

The representative survey was commissioned by European Digital Rights (EDRi) and the Pirate Party Members of the European Parliament.

  • The consultation included more than 8000 young people in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Greece.
  • 66% of respondents don't approve of internet providers monitoring their digital communication for suspicious content
  • 67% rely on encrypted communication apps like WhatsApp or Signal
  • 56% consider their anonymity crucial for their activism and for organising politically among peers
  • 1 in 3 respondents use communication apps, dating apps, or other apps to send intimate photos
  • 43% of respondents called for alternative measures such as "Improving media literacy and training of young people under 18 on the risks and appropriate responses." while 37% asked for "Improving the mechanisms for young people to report cases of grooming and ensuring that they are adequately and effectively followed-up."
  • Only 2% of minors think that scanning all private communications for harmful material is the most effective and appropriate to protect them from harm on the internet
  • Survey results – This link is available only for press access. Do not use this link for publication in further reports. In order to report to results, please use the raw data link below
  • Raw data of the survey results – publicly available

In 2022, the European Commission proposed its "Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse" material online, including measures which put the vital integrity of secure communications at risk.

The proposed law promises to protect children from sexual abuse by breaking encrypted, secure communications.

However, experts show that undermining encryption will turn the internet into a space that is dangerous for everyone's privacy, security and free expression. This includes the very children that this legislation aims to protect.

The United Nations and UNICEF state online privacy is vital for young people's development and self-expression, and children should not be subjected to generalised surveillance.

The UK Royal College of Psychiatrists highlights that snooping is harmful for children, and that policies based in empowerment and education are more effective.

"Young people value their privacy. The poll results show that the measures proposed under the CSA Regulation disempower youth, stop them from organising for social change and from exploring their sexuality at a crucial point in their life. This is a worrying message sent to young people, after the European Year of the Youth in 2022 and ahead of the European Parliament elections in 2024." - Andreea Belu, Head of Communications and Campaigns, EDRi

European Digital Rights is a dynamic collective of 47+ NGOs, experts, advocates and academics working to defend and advance digital rights across Europe. We advocate for robust and enforced laws, inform and mobilise people, promote a healthy and accountable technology market, and build a movement committed to digital rights in a connected world.

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