The European Commission issued a recommendation Tuesday that EU Member States extend smoke-free environment policies to key outdoor areas, such as parks and playgrounds.

The EU executive wants to revise the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments in order to better protect people from the effects of second-hand smoke and aerosols.
“Every year in the EU, 700,000 persons lose their lives due to tobacco consumption, among which tens of thousands are due to second-hand smoke,” said the Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides: “In a European Health Union, we have a duty to protect our citizens, in particular children and young people, against exposure to harmful smoke and emissions.”
The new smoke-free areas would include outdoor recreational areas where children are likely to congregate such as public playgrounds, amusement parks and swimming pools; outdoor areas connected to healthcare and education premises; public buildings; service establishments; and transport stops and stations.
The Recommendation also recommends that Member States extend smoke-free environment policies to emerging products such as heated tobacco products (HTPs) and electronic cigarettes, which increasingly reach very young users. This comes after the World Health Organisation (WHO) highlighted the negative effects of exposure to second-hand emissions from these emerging products, including significant respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
The EU executive is also encouraging Member States to exchange best practices and strengthen international cooperation to maximise the impact of the measures taken across the EU. It says it will provide support, including through a direct grant worth €16 million from the EU4Health programme and €80 million from the Horizon Programme, to reinforce tobacco and nicotine control as well as addiction prevention.
Health policy is a Member State competence, so they are invited to implement these recommendations through their own policies, as they see fit, i.e. taking into account their national circumstances and needs.
Proposal for a Council Recommendation on smoke and aerosol-free environment