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Security Standards of the EU

16 September 2009
by inadim -- last modified 24 September 2009

The attacks on 11 September showed that there is an unprecedented dimension to the terrorist threat which justifies the need for coherence in all cooperation efforts (banks, police, courts, etc.) and effective action. It has therefore been decided to introduce an EU security policy based on the legal instruments provided by the Treaty in order to give legal force to the rules and mechanisms for cooperation at EU level.


Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation security

Regulation 2320/2002 was based on standards contained in ICAO Annex 17, recommendations of European Civil Aviation Conference and Commissions proposals, thus providing a comprehensive and advanced base for EU aviation security standards. EU Regulation 2320/2002 and its implementing regulations are applicable immediately after entry into force.

On 29 April 2008, a revision to that framework Regulation came into force.

Regulation (EC) 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) 2320/2002

Committee: Regulation 2320/2002 established an Aviation Security Regulatory Committee (AVSEC Commitee) needed to ensure technical adoption of the Annex to Regulation 2320/2002 and development of the necessary implementation tools. The Regulatory Committee is chaired by the Commission and consists of experts representing all Member States.

All EU airports, service providers, catering, cleaning and cargo parties as well as all airlines both EU and foreign departing or transiting any EU airport.

The Annex to EU Regulation 2320/2002 and its implementing Regulations include detailed rules in the following areas subject to Community rules:

  • Airport Security, including access control and 100 % staff screening
  • Aircraft Security, including aircraft inspections and protection of aircraft when in and out of service
  • Passenger and Cabin Baggage Screening
  • Hold Baggage Screening and Protection
  • Cargo, Courier and Express Parcels, including detailed rules on handling, screening and protection of cargo.
  • Company Mail and Materials
  • Public Mail
  • Air Carrier Catering, Stores and Supplies
  • Air Carrier Cleaning, Stores and Supplies
  • General Aviation
  • Staff Recruitment and Training
  • Equipment Standards

Source: European Commission

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