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EU web links

A collection of links to web sites of the European Union institutions and other European business web sites.

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Services directive - EP text 31 July 2006, 20:30 CET
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market (COM(2004)0002 – C5-0069/2004 – 2004/0001(COD)) - text adopted 16 February 2006

Competition Law and Policy in the European Union - OECD report 31 July 2006, 20:28 CET
In January 2006, the OECD published a report reviewing competition law and policy in the European Union. The report was prepared by the Secretariat of the OECD and formed the basis for a peer review examination of the European Commission in the OECD Competition Committee on 19 October 2005.

Anti-dumping cases 31 July 2006, 20:27 CET
EU anti-dumping - list of cases, timetables and statistics

Review of EU Timeshare Directive 31 July 2006, 19:27 CET
Timeshare, within the meaning of the European Union Timeshare Directive, is the right to spend a period of time (e.g. one or more weeks) in a holiday property for a specified or specifiable period of the year for three years or longer.

Savings tax contact points 31 July 2006, 20:25 CET
Savings taxation - lists of national contact points for taxpayers.

Bathing water quality 2005 31 July 2006, 19:24 CET
Annual report, 2005 bathing season: summary, country reports and map of beaches throughout Europe.

Eurobarometer 31 July 2006, 18:47 CET
The web site for the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission. the European Commission has been monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the Member States, thus helping the preparation of texts, decision-making and the evaluation of its work. Surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship, including EU enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro and defence.

Corporate tax competition and coordination in the EU 31 July 2006, 19:46 CET
This paper reviews the rationales and facts about corporate tax coordination in Europe. Although statutory tax rates have dramatically declined, revenues collected from corporate taxation are fairly stable and there is so far no evidence of a race-to-the-bottom. The ambiguous results from economic tax theory and the institutional setting have constrained strong EU policy action in the area of tax competition. Yet, there are welfare gains to be expected from tax coordination. Following its 2001 Communication, the European Commission is currently working with Member States on the definition of a common consolidated corporate tax base for European Companies.

Injuries in the EU - summary statistics 2002-2004 31 July 2006, 18:36 CET
Health and Consumer Protection: Injuries in the EU - summary statistics 2002-2004

European Defence Agency 31 July 2006, 18:34 CET
The European Defence Agency was established under a Joint Action of the Council of Ministers on 12 July, 2004, "to support the Member States and the Council in their effort to improve European defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the European Security and Defence Policy as it stands now and develops in the future".

Concentrating Solar Power 31 July 2006, 18:33 CET
Main New and Renewable Energies projects supported by the European Commission

Preliminary draft budget 2007 31 July 2006, 19:31 CET
EU Budget online

Macroeconomic effects of a pandemic in Europe - model-based assessment 31 July 2006, 18:15 CET
This report estimates possible macroeconomic effects of a pandemic taking place in the EU in 2006, using a quarterly macroeconomic model. The macroeconomic costs of a pandemic, that is the cost in terms of production lost due to illness and death measured as reductions in GDP growth and/or declines in the level of GDP, are quantified in various pandemic scenarios. We focus on two sectors of the European economy that are expected to be particularly severely hit, tourism and trade. The results are compared with those obtained in similar studies. Our basic conclusion is that, although a pandemic would take a huge toll in human suffering, it would most likely not be a severe threat to the European macroeconomy.

Keep Europe moving - mid-term review of EU Transport White Paper 31 July 2006, 18:10 CET
The Communication from Commission "Keep Europe moving - Sustainable mobility for our continent" is a mid-term review of the European Commission's 2001 Transport White Paper.

EURES - European Job Mobility Portal 31 July 2006, 19:09 CET
European Employment Services (EURES) is the European Job Mobility Portal. It is designed to help find information on jobs and learning opportunities in Europe. EURES offers three types of service: information, advice and recruitment/placement (job-matching).