Romania joined the European Union on 1 January 2007 and has committed to adopt the euro once it fulfils the necessary conditions.
Romania at a glance
Surface area: 237 500 km2
Population: 21 565 119 (Eurostat 2007)
Joined the European Union: 1 January 2007
Currency: leu (RON) (the former Romanian leu, ROL, remained in circulation until 31 December 2006)
Euro information
Status: Romania is not yet a member of the euro area. The leu has not yet joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II).
Exchange rate: The current euro to leu foreign exchange reference rate can be consulted on the website of the European Central Bank (updated daily).
Adoption of the euro: Romania has set 2014 as its target year to adopt the euro.
Opinion polls and surveys
Flash Eurobarometer 207 (May 2007)
European Union portals
- Infoeuropa, the website of the European Commission in Romania (also in English)
- Banca Nationala a României (National Bank of Romania, also in English), including a section on European integration and the euro
- Ministerul Economiei si Finantelor (Romanian Ministry of Public Finance, also in English)
- Guvernul României (Government of Romania, also in English and French)
- Euro Info Centres Romania
- Camera de Comert si Industrie a României (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, also in English)
- Asociatia pentru Protectia Consumatorilor din România, APC (Association for Consumers’ Protection, also in English)