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Tomas Zdechovsky MEP
Tomas Zdechovsky is a Czech politician, crisis manager, media analyst, poet and author. In May 2014 he was elected member of the European Parliament with KDU-ČSL, part of European Peoples Party.
- The European Commission Has Failed in its Fight against Food Waste — 01 March 2017, 18:02 CET
Every year The European Union invests hundreds of millions of euros in development aid, fight against hunger and fight for fair trade practices all over the world.
- The Case of Eva Michalakova - An Absurd Norwegian Decision — 07 July 2016, 17:30 CET
If the state takes away your children do not complain - a short summary of the twenty-nine-page decision of the Norwegian court in the case of Eva Michalakova's children. It is an utter impertinence to complain about the Barnevernet publicly.
- Old Member States Would Lose on Shortening of Cohesion the Most — 09 May 2016, 16:54 CET
According to the surveys the Czechs take the most disapproving stand on the European integration in the European Union. However the resistance to the EU is not justified. The figures are more than clear. In ten years of the Czech membership in the EU the Czech Republic gained CZK 333 billion more than paid to the European budget. Moreover, according to the information from the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, at the end of the last year the overall positive balance increased to CZK 561.2 billion from 2004.
- The European Union Should Thank the United Kingdom for the 'Brexit' Threat — 28 April 2016, 18:10 CET
The European Union must face another big threat in very short period of time. There is another item on the threats list – Brexit – the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, one of the three biggest member states, from the European Union. This threat is beginning to have very realistic shape when some top British politicians, for example Boris Johnson, very popular mayor of London, or Mick Jagger, the front man of Rolling Stones, take sides with the sympathizers of the withdrawal.